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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wall Street @ FIX University

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Tea Party Vs Occupy Wall Street - Fox News & Rush Limbaugh


Uploaded by on Oct 11, 2011

How are conservatives like Rush Limbaugh, Karl Rove and Mike Gallagher and right-wing networks like Fox News reacting to the Occupy Wall Street movement versus how they reacted to the Tea Party movement? The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

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  • Just out of curiosity, did the tea party even get threatened by police? Why is it more important to defend gun rights than trying to stop bankers paying politicians and robbing our tax dollars. Isn't the tea party against higher taxes, so shouldn't you be for them because we could lower taxes if the banks didn't need the money??

  • Here is what I don't get: Doesn't calling it "Fox News" somehow imply that it's a news program? It's like a cereal called "Sugar Puffs" that is actually a box of dried pine needles.

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