El Proyecto Salones de Artistas desarrolla los Salones Regionales y el Salón Nacional de Artistas. Los Salones se constituyen en una tradición viva y actual por su capacidad de redefinirse continuamente al responder a las transformaciones de las prácticas artísticas y a los desarrollos de la democracia y la descentralización en la política cultural.
Monday, April 30, 2012
newsRus.com @ FIX University
President Obama’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner speech (Video)
President Obama’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner shtick was pretty well-received this year: A balance of self-deprecating humor and zingers for his opponents. Some of the night’s biggest laughs went to Obama’s jokes about the Secret Service scandal, and dogs: Both the one that Mitt Romney put on top of his car, and the one that Obama, long ago, ate.
Watch his full speech and read highlights below:
• “Four years ago I was locked in a brutal primary battle with Hillary Clinton. Now, she won’t stop drunk-texting me from Cartagena.”
• “Look at this party: Men in tuxes, women in gows, fine wines. . . I was just relieved to learn this was not a GSA conference.”
• On Romney: “We both have degrees from Harvard -- I have one, he has two. What a snob!”
• And the one that got a slow-build laugh as the audience took a while to get it: “What’s the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? A pit bull is delicious!”
White House Correspondents’ parties: You can’t fight it, so just go with the flow (photos), 4/29/12
George Clooney works hard at Correspondents’ dinner, makes it look easy, 4/29/12
Photos: On the red carpet at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, 4/28/12
Jimmy Kimmel’s White House Correspondents dinner speech (video), 4/28/12
Behind-the-scenes at the Correspondents’ Dinner, 4/28/12
White House Correspondents’ dinner celebrity guests: A-list overload, red-carpet gridlock, 4/27/12
Friday, April 27, 2012
newRus.com @ FIX University Cultural Campus
Welcome to Spring Semester 2013
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Bobsleigh and Skeleton

Since the first Olympic Winter Games in 1936, Bobsleigh has been one of our key sports. Even back then, Omega served as Official Timekeeper and remains as such for both the FIBT World Cup and World Championships.
How does it work?
Depending on the start position and discipline, the position of the five corresponding light beams for intermediate timing and for the finish can be selected automatically or preselected manually. The same applies for up to four points where the speed is measured. SWISS TIMING will typically install 32 timing points, accommodating all the requirements of the different disciplines in the sport.
A countdown clock including start lights indicates the time for the start release, which is then announced with an acoustic signal. Once the two or four-man teams have pushed their sled 15m from the start gate, the start light beams are crossed and the timing is activated. After 50m and already at speeds of over 40km/h, the first intermediate, (known as the "start time") is detected by the next active light beam. This continues through each intermediate point to the finish line, all with a resolution of 1/100 of a second.
All live timing data is processed on-line. Start times, intermediate and finish data are formatted and distributed to many devices including rolling time displays, graphics control for video boards, TV graphics, printers and any other information systems.
Scope of service
- Timing
- Running time displays with start lights
- Speed measurement
- TV graphics
- Virtual graphics
- tvPAINT race analysis
- Licensing.
- Control start lights and countdown
- Course selection (light beam selection)
- Calculation results and rankings
- Speed measurement
- Control running time displays along the track.
- Creation and printing of start lists, results and World Cup rankings
- Provision of online results to the information system and scoreboard
- Live results to TV graphics and Internet.
TV graphics
- Production of online graphics in SD and HD
- Display of start lists, intermediate and final results
- Presentation of athletes´ information
- Provision of rankings
- Speed rankings
- Headshots video clips with ”Talking Heads”.
Virtual graphics
- InMotion, comparison of two sleds in one video (overlay).
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
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