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Kids and Salsa

By gregebersole

April 9, 2012

Category: Travel

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Yesterday was a different Easter for me. In the morning, I went to a church service in a large building. For about an hour, a band played with a group of singers. I liked the music. Then, the next hour started with a speaker. He was pretty loud and sometimes, almost yelling. It wasn’t for me, so I left after about 10 to 15 minutes. Then I had my usual lunch, not like the Easter dinner we have in the states. I had roasted chicken, rice and beans, salad, potatos and lemonade. The usual $2. Late afternoon, I walked to el Teatro aire libre de Los Cristales for a program of salsa dancing by about 600 kids. I brought an old photo pass from the Feria de Cali and was able to go wherever I wanted for photos.

I’m getting ready to get my ticket to return to the states in August. I want to stay here for the Festivo Petronio, Aug. 15 to 18. Then I would probably leave the 19th or 20th. I plan to return sometime in October. At this point, I’m not sure how long I want to stay. Sometimes, I think that I don’t want to live here another year. I would like to spend more time in Arizona and possibly Mexico. Things are different here now. I don’t have as many friends. Some have moved and others I don’t see very often. Doing a lot of thinking these days.

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